The surgical treatment for injuries in the cervical spine
traffic accident injury, cervical spine, surgeryAbstract
The tactics of the surgical treatment of 1,300 patients with injuries of the cervical vertebrae during the period from 1972 to 2008 was analysed. In 80 % of cases the injuries resulted from traffic accidents. Eight hundred and five patients were admitted during the acute and early periods of the injury; other cases had neglected damages. Neurological vertebrogenic syndromes were present in the majority of observations; their absence was registered only in 50 patients. All the casualties were operated on with help of the anterior access. During the acute and early periods of the injury, the dislocated vertebrae were reduced. Failures of the reduction, as well as fractures and dislocations fractures served as indications for the transcorporal decompression of the spinal cord. This operation is regarded by the authors as the method of choice for the late period of the injury. The vertebral column was stabilized with a carbon graft (900 patients), bone allograft (400 patients), in combination with a utilized autobone (960 patients) or GAP-containing material CollapAn (340 patients). The results were assessed as follows: good – 1,110 cases, satisfactory – 180 cases, bad – 10 cases. One hundred and twenty patients were followed up for more than 25 years after the operation. No reassessment of the treatment results took place. A solid bone or bone-carbon block was registered in all the cases.
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