Our experience of using Movalis drug preparation in spondyloarthrosis of the lumbar spine


  • Volodymyr Radchenko
  • Volodymyr Kutsenko
  • Aleksandr Chernyshov




lumbar spine, spondyloarthrosis, pain syndrome, Movalis, diclofenac


Movalis (manufactured by Boehringer Engelheim) and Diclofenac drug preparations were clinically studied for an intramuscular injection in 45 patients (their age averaged 49 years) with spondyloarthrosis of the lumbar spine. The use of these drugs once a day during 6 days resulted in a decrease of the pain syndrome intensity in the patients of both groups, respectively, from 7.72 to3.8 points by VAS scale and from 7.7 to 4.0 points by VAS scale. But, according to the rate of the development and severity of adverse effects, the safety of Movalis was by 48 % higher than that of Diclofenac, thereby making it possible to recommend the ampoule form of Movalis for treating patients with spondyloarthrosis of the lumbar spine.


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How to Cite

Radchenko, V., Kutsenko, V., & Chernyshov, A. (2009). Our experience of using Movalis drug preparation in spondyloarthrosis of the lumbar spine. ORTHOPAEDICS TRAUMATOLOGY and PROSTHETICS, (3), 57–59. https://doi.org/10.15674/0030-59872009357-59

