A concept of low-contact multiplane osteosynthesis for diaphyseal fractures of the shin bones


  • Petro Bilinskyi
  • Volodymyr Chaplynskyi
  • Volodymyr Andreychyn




fracture of the tibia, the concept of low-contact multiplanar osteosynthesis


On the basis of their biomechanical systemic analysis of contact plate designs, LCP fixators, peculiarities in the reparative regeneration course, causes for the development of complications and negative results the authors developed the concept of low-contact multiplane osteosynthesis. The latter is made with fixing plates, which have the minimum volume and length, the most optimum design and are constructed for concrete fracture lines. Restoration of the load-carrying capacity of the bone takes place with help of multiplane fixing screws, presence of elements of their interaction with the fixing plate and without any pressure on the bone from the plate. It results in a stable biomechanical construction “fixing plate – bone”, which makes it possible to program the value of micromotion of fragments and optimize the course of reparative regeneration.


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How to Cite

Bilinskyi, P., Chaplynskyi, V., & Andreychyn, V. (2013). A concept of low-contact multiplane osteosynthesis for diaphyseal fractures of the shin bones. ORTHOPAEDICS TRAUMATOLOGY and PROSTHETICS, (3), 88–91. https://doi.org/10.15674/0030-59872013388-91

