Complications of the ischaemic genesis in fractures of extremity bones
fractures of extremity bones, complications, ischaemic syndromeAbstract
The character and rate of complications after fractures of extremity bones in 89 patients, who developed the local hypertensive ischaemic syndrome, were studied. It was revealed that ischaemic contractures in bone injuries of the upper and lower extremities occurred, respectively, in 33 (37.1 %) and 56 (62.9 %) of patients. Sequelae of fracture healing disorders were observed in 42 (47.2 %) cases, and pyonecrotic complications in 34 (38.2 %) ones. The closest direct relation was found out between the degree of extremity ischaemia and such its sequelae as disturbances in reparative osteogenesis (0.240) and pyoinflammatory processes (0.486).
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