The ultrastructure of the articular cartilage in rats with experimental gonarthrosis under effects of low-intensity laser radiation, Diclofenac and Glucosamine


  • Lyudmila Bengus
  • Kyrill Makolinets
  • Valentyna Maltseva
  • Natalya Shkodovskaya



osteoarthritis, articular cartilage, chondrocytes, infrared laser radiation Diclofenac, Glucosamine


The influence of different combinations of low-intensity infrared laser radiation, Diclofenac and Glucosamine on the ultrastructural organization of an articular cartilage of rats with experimental osteoarthrosis was studied with help of methods of transmission electronic microscopy. It was found out that glucocorticoid-induced osteoarthrosis was accompanied by considerable damages in the ultrastructural organization of the articular cartilage. Chondrocytes revealed heterochromatization of the cell nucleus, areas of destruction in cytoplasm, fragmentation and degranulation of endoplasmic reticulum, and an increased amount of lysosomes in cytoplasm. Conservative treatment of the animals with experimental osteoarthrosis by the laser-Glucosamine-Diclofenac complex promoted activation of chondrocyte metabolism and enhancement of biosynthetic processes in chondrocytes.


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How to Cite

Bengus, L., Makolinets, K., Maltseva, V., & Shkodovskaya, N. (2012). The ultrastructure of the articular cartilage in rats with experimental gonarthrosis under effects of low-intensity laser radiation, Diclofenac and Glucosamine. ORTHOPAEDICS TRAUMATOLOGY and PROSTHETICS, (1), 72–76.

