Assessment criteria for lack of stability in the hip joint in cases of acetabular fractures


  • Anatoly Kanziuba
  • Tatyana Shamova



the hip joint, acetabular fractures, stability


The purpose of the present research was to determine criteria and possible methods of diagnosis of hip joint instability in different variants of acetabular fractures. Assessment of stability of a damaged hip joint should be based on the revealing of clinical and radiological criteria. Destruction of the roof, posterior and medial walls of the acetabulum by results of its radiographic and KT studies are the most important criteria.


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How to Cite

Kanziuba, A., & Shamova, T. (2012). Assessment criteria for lack of stability in the hip joint in cases of acetabular fractures. ORTHOPAEDICS TRAUMATOLOGY and PROSTHETICS, (1), 44–47.

