Modern histological and clinical classifications of tumours and tumour-like lesions of bones, peculiarities of their use and some aspects of orthopaedic oncomorphology


  • Valeriy Hryhorovskyi



bone tumors, histology classification WHO (2002), TNM classification, orthopaedic oncomorphology


The article deals with examination of the WHO International Histological Classification of Tumours (2002) and some clinical classifications (TNM, ІCD-O, Ennekіng).  From these positions and also on the basis of a great number of his own bioptic-histologic studies and many years of experience the author elucidated some aspects of clinical-morphological diagnosis, which are of great importance for orthopedic oncopathology practice. The history of creation of the WHO International Histological Classification of Tumours, the structure of its last 3rd edition (2002) and differences from the previous edition are briefly described. Peculiarities in the application of the above classifications of bone tumors are noted. Methods for revealing degrees of tumour malignancy and chemotherapeutic pathomorphosis of malignant bone tumours, detected with pathohistological examination, are assessed. The necessity of a close cooperation of doctors of different specialities (orthopaedists-oncologists, specialists in visualizing methods of examination and pathomorphologists) in the process of diagnosing and treating tumours and tumour-like lesions of bones is emphasized.


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How to Cite

Hryhorovskyi, V. (2012). Modern histological and clinical classifications of tumours and tumour-like lesions of bones, peculiarities of their use and some aspects of orthopaedic oncomorphology. ORTHOPAEDICS TRAUMATOLOGY and PROSTHETICS, (2), 103–112.

