Signs, symptoms and diagnosis of vertebral artery damages in traumatic deformities of the cervical spine (a review of literature)


  • Oleksandr Barysh
  • Yaroslav Doluda



vertebral artery, cervical spine, traumatic deformities, vertebrobasilar failure


Scientific literature was analytically examined in order to find out clinical signs and symptoms and abilities for diagnosing injuries of the vertebral artery in traumatic deformities of the cervical spine. Dependence of the rate of the vertebral artery damages upon the character of injury and kind of traumatic deformity was revealed. The optimum noninvasive method of examination for detecting structural-functional disorders of haemodynamics in the vertebral arteries and vertebrobasilar system was established.


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How to Cite

Barysh, O., & Doluda, Y. (2012). Signs, symptoms and diagnosis of vertebral artery damages in traumatic deformities of the cervical spine (a review of literature). ORTHOPAEDICS TRAUMATOLOGY and PROSTHETICS, (3), 119–124.

