Results of treatment of hallux vagus with use of Chevron osteotomy


  • Maksim Golovakha
  • Igor Shishka
  • Oleg Banit
  • Yuriy Babich
  • Anatoliy Tverdovsky
  • Ivan Zabielin



foot, Hallux valgus, Сhevron-osteotomy


Results of surgical treatment of hallux vagus of the 1st toe with help of Chevron osteotomy in 88 patients (148 feet) were studied. Each patient underwent frontal and lateral control radiographies. The follow-up period ranged from 1 to 11 years. The purpose of the work was as follows: to improve results of surgical treatment of hallux vagus by using Chevron osteotomy with stable osteosynthesis and early loading of the operated extremity. Excellent and good results were registered in 80.3 % of observations. The surgical technique of Chevron osteotomy is reliable and functional, as it is confirmed by positive clinical response in patients. The use of stable osteosynthesis and early loading on the operated extremity makes it possible to reduce the terms of functional restoration after surgical treatment of hallux vagus.


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How to Cite

Golovakha, M., Shishka, I., Banit, O., Babich, Y., Tverdovsky, A., & Zabielin, I. (2012). Results of treatment of hallux vagus with use of Chevron osteotomy. ORTHOPAEDICS TRAUMATOLOGY and PROSTHETICS, (3), 42–46.

