Treatment of intervertebral disk protrusions in the lumbar spine


  • Vasyl Shymon
  • Ivan Pichkar



osteochondrosis, laser, vapourization, intervertebral disks, X-ray


Lumbar osteochondrosis remains at present one of the most acute problems in modern medicine. The purpose of this research was to study efficacy of laser vapourization of intervertebral disks depending upon the presence of relative contraindications. The study involved 94 patients. One year after laser vapourization, excellent results were in 37 cases, good in 26, satisfactory in 20 and bad in 11. Laser vapourization of intervertebral disks with available relative contraindications reduced its efficacy versus indicated vapourization by a factor of 2.5 in short-term follow-ups and 3.5 in long-term ones. According to the data of spondylometry performed, the height of interbody spaces after laser vapourization evenly decreased in the course of time.


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How to Cite

Shymon, V., & Pichkar, I. (2010). Treatment of intervertebral disk protrusions in the lumbar spine. ORTHOPAEDICS TRAUMATOLOGY and PROSTHETICS, (3), 96–99.

