Biomechanical grounds for some variants of low-invasive osteosynthesis in suprasyndesmotic fractures of the lateral malleolus


  • Oleg Loskutov
  • Sergey Panchenko
  • Vasil Krasovskiy



osteosynthesis, suprasyndesmotic fractures, lateral malleolus


Using the finite element method, the authors studied the deflected mode (DM) both in the «bone-fixing plate» system, which models osteosynthesis of suprasyndesmotic fractures of the lateral malleolus with a rupture of the ligaments of the distal syndesmosis (type C by AO), the above osteosynthesis being made with help of a standard 1/3 AO tubular fixing plate with 6 free screws, as well as in the systems, which model possible modifications of this osteosynthesis owing to decreases in the number of the screws and the fixing plate length. The possibility and expediency of a modification of the above osteosynthesis is shown for fractures of C type, which are close to transverse ones, the maximum number of DM indices of the osseous tissue and the invasiveness degree of the surgical intervention being used as the osteosynthesis efficacy criteria.


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How to Cite

Loskutov, O., Panchenko, S., & Krasovskiy, V. (2010). Biomechanical grounds for some variants of low-invasive osteosynthesis in suprasyndesmotic fractures of the lateral malleolus. ORTHOPAEDICS TRAUMATOLOGY and PROSTHETICS, (3), 64–71.

