Biomechanical aspects of intraosseous distraction osteosynthesis of the shin with drive apparatuses


  • Volodymyr Dragan
  • Olexiy Tyazhelov
  • Larisa Goncharova
  • Volodymyr Filatov
  • Andrey Kuznetsov
  • Andrey Daniluk
  • Sergey Lisunov



shin bone, drive intraosseous device, biomechanical model, device testing


The need in this scientific research was caused by testing of drive intraosseous devices for tibial lengthening in order to establish strength characteristics of the device. The results of the tests, conducted on intraosseous devices, confirmed high technological characteristics of their design even under maximum calculated loads, thereby demonstrating their high safety for application to clinical practice.


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How to Cite

Dragan, V., Tyazhelov, O., Goncharova, L., Filatov, V., Kuznetsov, A., Daniluk, A., & Lisunov, S. (2010). Biomechanical aspects of intraosseous distraction osteosynthesis of the shin with drive apparatuses. ORTHOPAEDICS TRAUMATOLOGY and PROSTHETICS, (3), 55–60.

