Physical rehabilitation of pafgtients with fractures of the distal humeral metaepiphysis


  • Leonid Naumenko
  • Dmytro Nosivets



fractures of the distal humeral metaepiphysis, rehabilitation, elbow joint, exercise therapy


On the basis of clinical results of treatment in 194 patients with fractures of the distal humeral metaepiphysis, the authors of the article developed a programme of physical rehabilitation. The restorative treatment consists of 4 periods: 1) preoperative, or immobilization, 2) early mobilization of the elbow joint, 3) late mobilization of the elbow joint, 4) outpatient restorative treatment. The duration of the dispensary observation averaged 55.2 months (from 7 months to 14 months after the moment of injury). At the end of the dispensary observation, the mean amplitude of active flexion-extention movements in the elbow joint was 130° (from 70° to 150°), that of pronation/supination  was 85° (from 80° to 90°). When results of the treatment were assessed according to a modified scale, the number of points averaged 75 (from 65 to 80) points, while by the Mayo clinic scale it was 85 (from 75 to 100) points.


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How to Cite

Naumenko, L., & Nosivets, D. (2010). Physical rehabilitation of pafgtients with fractures of the distal humeral metaepiphysis. ORTHOPAEDICS TRAUMATOLOGY and PROSTHETICS, (3), 40–43.

