The part played by a fibrin clot and mechanical stresses in it in the process of the primary bone regenerate formation in bone fractures




diaphyseal fracture, fibrin clots, bone repair


The research dealt with the study of topographic-structural peculiarities of fibrin clots and the reparative process during 2–6 days after a bone fracture with use of techniques of sonography and histomorphology. The study involved 35 casualties (adults and children) with diaphyseal fractures of their extremities, who underwent open reposition of fragments. The formation of fibrin clots was found out on the surface of injured tissues, which contained a considerable amount of blood vessels: in the area between fragments, over the intraosteal myeloid tissue and in the peripheral region. The blood fibrin clots, which formed around the fragments, were the primary morphobiological substrate; the latter served, beginning from the first days after the injury, as the basis for processes of vascularization, as well as migration and proliferation of cells of the fibroblastic and osteoblastic differons. No tissue regeneration processes in the areas of localization of the liquid component of haematomata were revealed.


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How to Cite

Popsuishapka, O., Litvishko, V., Ashukina, N., & Pidgaiska, O. (2010). The part played by a fibrin clot and mechanical stresses in it in the process of the primary bone regenerate formation in bone fractures. ORTHOPAEDICS TRAUMATOLOGY and PROSTHETICS, (3), 22–27.

