Prevalence of bone fractures and results of their treatment in Ukraine (a clinical-epidemiological study)




epidemiological study, fracture frequencies, form and results of treatment, bone-seeking therapy


The conducted study was based on the material, which was received when analyzing 2,358 questionnaires, filled in by 126 orthopaedists-traumatologists from different medical institutions of 24 Ukrainian cities and towns. The analysis involved 2,819 fractures, which took place within 2008–2009. The authors elucidated the following aspects: distribution structure of fractures of the upper/lower extremities and bones of the trunk, time of rendering qualified medical care, methods of treatment and kinds of fixing, results of the treatment. Also, clinical efficacy of different kinds of osteotrophic therapy was comparatively analysed. The authors consider it necessary to take into account the obtained results, when standards of treatment and osteotrophic therapy are introduced.


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How to Cite

Korzh, M., Gerasimenko, S., Klimovitskiy, V., Loskutov, O., Romanenko, K., Gerasimenko, A., & Kolomiets, O. (2010). Prevalence of bone fractures and results of their treatment in Ukraine (a clinical-epidemiological study). ORTHOPAEDICS TRAUMATOLOGY and PROSTHETICS, (3), 5–14.

