Use of dabigatran etexilate for preventing thromboembolic complications in hip joint arthroplasty




endoprosthesis replacement, thrombosis, prophylaxis, anticoagulants


The article deals with results of using dabigatran etexilate mesylate, a direct inhibitor of thrombin, with a preventive purpose following primary hip joint arthroplasty. After an examination, performed on 30 patients, the efficacy of dabigatran etexilate mesylate for reducing the manifestation rate of thrombosis of veins on the lower extremities was confirmed. Besides, no significant changes in the haematological and biochemical indices of blood against a background of its use were observed.


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How to Cite

Korzh, M., Filipenko, V., Leontyeva, F., Tankut, O., Malyk, R., & Yakovenko, N. (2012). Use of dabigatran etexilate for preventing thromboembolic complications in hip joint arthroplasty. ORTHOPAEDICS TRAUMATOLOGY and PROSTHETICS, (4), 94–98.

