Prognosis for the development of dysplastic gonarthrosis from the age aspect


  • Katerina Pustovoyt
  • Olena Karpinska



dysplastic arthrosis, knee joint, age-related changes


Radiograms of 189 patients of different age groups with dysplastic syndromes (varus, valgus and dysplasia of the femoropatellar joint) were retrospectively analysed with the purpose of improving results of diagnosis and prognosis for the development of dysplastic gonarthrosis. Parameters of the knee joint were measured in the frontal and sagittal planes. In order to reveal a dependence of the development of arthritic changes upon the state of anatomical parameters of the knee joint, the distribution of gonarthrosis in the age groups was analysed. It was found out that there was a mathematical dependence of the stage of arthrosis upon anatomical parameters of the knee joint. A mathematical equation was formulated, and it helped to reveal the expected stage of arthrosis. The obtained results make it possible to detect the stage of arthrosis with a high degree of probability by anatomical indices in patients with dysplastic changes in their knee joints.


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How to Cite

Pustovoyt, K., & Karpinska, O. (2012). Prognosis for the development of dysplastic gonarthrosis from the age aspect. ORTHOPAEDICS TRAUMATOLOGY and PROSTHETICS, (4), 79–83.

