Magnetic resonance tomographic semiotics of osteoporotic compression fractures of the spine


  • Olena Sharmazanova
  • Stanislav Miagkov
  • Natalya Yeremeeva
  • Ganna Kostiukovskaya



osteoporosis, compression fractures, magnetic resonance tomographic


The article contains an analysis of MRI in presence of osteoporotic compression fractures in 35 patients. In the process of their research, the authors specified signs of osteoporosis in MRI cases through comparison with DXA) data, as well as developed and specified MRI semiotics of osteoporotic compression fractures of the spine (bone marrow oedema, “fluid” sign, compression of the central part of the body, remains of yellow bone marrow, compression of a Breschet [basilovertebral] vein, fracture of a vertebral end plate, ring-shaped oedema of paravertebral tissues).


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How to Cite

Sharmazanova, O., Miagkov, S., Yeremeeva, N., & Kostiukovskaya, G. (2012). Magnetic resonance tomographic semiotics of osteoporotic compression fractures of the spine. ORTHOPAEDICS TRAUMATOLOGY and PROSTHETICS, (4), 62–68.

