Anterior interbody cervicospondylodesis with use of vertical cylindrical mesh implants


  • Oleksandr Barysh
  • Ruslan Buznytsky



аnterior interbody spondylodesis, cervicospondylodesis, cage, stabilizing operation


The clinical application of vertical cylindrical mesh implants in 35 patients for surgical treatment of diseases and injuries of their cervical spine was analysed. This technology is an effective method for restoration of the carrying capacity of vertebral motor segments regardless of the length of the anterior cervical interbody fusion.


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How to Cite

Barysh, O., & Buznytsky, R. (2010). Anterior interbody cervicospondylodesis with use of vertical cylindrical mesh implants. ORTHOPAEDICS TRAUMATOLOGY and PROSTHETICS, (4), 50–55.

