Endolumbar nootropic-ozone therapy in multimodality treatment of patients with a complicated spinal injury at its acute period


  • Shavkidin Yuldashev
  • Alisher Sattarov




nootropic-ozone therapy, complicated spinal injury


Surgical treatment of 39 patients with complicated injuries of the vertebral column was analysed. In order to increase the efficacy of treatment in the main group of patients (25 observations), an endolumbar injection of Pyracetam and ozone during the postoperative period was used. The obtained data showed that after 2-3 endolumbar injections of Pyracetam and ozone within the postoperative period 16 (64.0 %) patients revealed development of sensitivity below the level of injured spinal cord segments and movements in the distal parts of their lower extremities. In 6 (24.0 %) patients neurological symptoms improved after 5-6 injections. In patients of the control group (14 observations), who did not undergo the above nootropic-ozone therapy, moderately positive neurological symptoms were found out only in 35.7 % of cases. In 64.3 % of cases their neurological symptoms remained on the same level despite decompressive-stabilizing operations made.


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How to Cite

Yuldashev, S., & Sattarov, A. (2010). Endolumbar nootropic-ozone therapy in multimodality treatment of patients with a complicated spinal injury at its acute period. ORTHOPAEDICS TRAUMATOLOGY and PROSTHETICS, (4), 38–41. https://doi.org/10.15674/0030-59872010438-41

