Prognosis for the result of treatment of damages in the knee joint cartilage
knee joint, chondroplastics, results of treatmentAbstract
The problem of prediction of an effective restoration of a cartilage defect has not been solved yet. The purpose of the study was to reveal the factors which essentially influence treatment results in the knee joint cartilage defects. Remote (from 8 to 14 years) treatment results of 176 patients with knee osteoarthritis were analyzed. Seventy-nine patients had cartilage lesions of the internal condyle of the femur, whereas the rest of these patients had defects of both the articular surface of the internal condyle of the femur and of the articular cartilage of the tibial plateau. Only cartilage defects and lesions of degree III by Outerbridge were taken into account. The used surgical techniques were as follows: microfracture in 142 cases and mosaic plasty in 34 ones. The age factor proved to be statistically significant for predicting osteoarthrosis progress. The best treatment results were received in patients under 40. In the age group of 40-55 years the results were satisfactory. The influence of the lesion area on the treatment results was not significant, as it was shown by absence of any correlation between the lesion area and the remote results. The initial condition of the knee joint was an important significant predictor for the treatment results. A high correlation was revealed between a preoperative narrowing of the articular space and treatment results. The medial tibial angle was the most significant parameter for predicting treatment of the knee joint. When its value was 86° or less, no positive results of treatment of the cartilage defects were received. The geometry of the distal femur did not produce any significant influence on the treatment results. Results of restoration of the condyle cartilage lesions in the knee joints mostly depended on the initial knee joint status and biomechanical relations in the joint, rather than on the lesion area.
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