Graph analytical study of the possibility of prevention and treatment of dislocation of the hip joint head because of the incorrect position of its components


  • Oleh Ovchynnikov



hip joint, dislocation of endoprosthesis head, graphoanalytical modeling, mechanism, large diameter head, liner with visor


Objective: to determine the mechanisms of the disloca­tion of the head of the hip joint endoprosthesis on the basis of the graphoanalytic modeling method and to correct the wrong position of its components.

Methods: graphical-analytical model­ing.

Results: it has been established that there are two mecha­nisms of dislocation of the head of the hip joint endoprosthesis, related to its size and compliance with the angles of inclination and anteversion of the cup and antithesis of the endoprosthesis stem. The loss of contact area can also occur due to the wear of the friction pair. The most stable are endoprostheses with large-diameter heads, which allow increasing the shoul­der strength, which counteracts the disabling effect. As a mea­sure to prevent dislocations, you can use liners with a visor that prevent the dislocation of the head or neck of the endo­prosthesis of a reduced diameter. If the endoprosthesis cup has too much angle of inclination or insufficient cup anteversion and/or antithesis of the stem, but there is a stable anchorage, a liner with a visor can also be used. The angle of the movement of the endoprosthesis head due to the use of a liner with a vi­sor decreases with increasing diameter of the heads, which also indicates the advantage of using them to prevent dislocation of the endoprosthesis.

Conclusions: in the hip joint endopros­thetics for the prevention of head dislocation, it is important to observe the correct position of its components. If it is not pos­sible to install the components of the endoprosthesis within the limits that prevent the appearance of dislocation of the head, and also for the purpose of its elimination, it is advisable to use liners with a visor in combination with large diameter heads. The choice of the neck of the endoprosthesis with a reduced di­ameter reduces the risk of its dislocations.

Author Biography

Oleh Ovchynnikov

Sytenko Institute of Spine and Joint Pathology, Kharkiv. Ukraine


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How to Cite

Ovchynnikov, O. (2017). Graph analytical study of the possibility of prevention and treatment of dislocation of the hip joint head because of the incorrect position of its components. ORTHOPAEDICS TRAUMATOLOGY and PROSTHETICS, (2), 23–29.

